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Favorite Quotes & Anecdotes

"It's better to fart and bear the shame than not to fart and bear the pain!" - Uncle Lowell

Uncle Mars, quoting his dad when us kids would ask mom to bring something back downstairs when she had just left: “What’s the matter? Is your butt glued to the chair?” - Cousin Clive

Favorite quotes by Grandma Iva;
"You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear"
" Charge it to the dust and let the wind settle it"
"Don't let your eyes get bigger than your stomach"
"If you give someone something you don't need, you haven't given them anything , You have just got rid of something you don't need"
"Where cobwebs grow, Beau's won't go"
"If the corners are clean the rest won't matter"

Uncle Mars, while serving as a scoutmaster, asked the bishop for a man to serve as his assistant scoutmaster. The bishop didn’t think it was a good idea because the man was not active in the church  and smoked. Uncle Mars pressed the matter by saying: “If every sin had a smell wouldn’t sacrament meeting have a great stench?”
His choice for assistant scoutmaster was called and went on to do great things!

Grandpa Clive would tease the grandkids by given them a mock whipping. “Now what you tink? I know what you tink! You tink, ‘Damn Grandpa Killpack for giving me a whipping!’ Now I’ll have to give you a whipping for swearing!”

Grandpa Clive, when the grandkids would pick their nose, would say “If you get one that can see, put it back!”

Grandpa Clive’s favorite promise:
“The one who eats the most meat and potatoes gets the biggest piece of pie!”
(It should be noted that grandpa always got the biggest piece of pie because his kids, and later his grandkids, were always too full to want it.)

Uncle Lou’s recollections as a kid (shared with cousin Clive):
"Your dad (Uncle Mars) was in the outhouse one day taking care of business when I decided to climb the vent pipe and drop a cherry bomb into the 'cellar'.
"Your dad was shot at and missed, shit at and hit! He made his way to the Molen Ditch with his pants still down to clean himself off...and the kid who dropped the cherry bomb took off for the hills until his parents got home so he wouldn’t get killed.”

Grandma Eliza Sara Suaze Killpack, descended from French Huguenots, always said "You can’t act that way...commoners act that way! Remember who you are!”

Grandma Iva's favorite swear word: "SNELL-FROCKEL”

About repenting from misdeeds, Grandpa Killpack told Uncle Mars: "Apologize to those you have wronged, make good what you can make good, and leave the rest in the hands of the Lord."

If you have a favorite quote or anecdote to share, click below and sent it and we'll add it to the page!  These can be attributed to  Grandpa and Grandma or of our aunts and uncles!

"You're as good as the best and better than the rest - if you live that way." - Eliza Sauze Killpack (wife of William Joseph Killpack).

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